Thursday, August 28, 2008

Weight Loss Ideas You Should Ignore

Posted by Neill Abayon

1. Eat According to Your Metabolic Type

The origin of this idea in the modern diet business can be traced to The Metabolic Typing Diet by William Wolcott and Trish Fahey. The general idea dates from the 1970s and perhaps even before that.

The premise is that we all have a “metabolic type” — an individual metabolism that can be manipulated by dietary choices. According to this, we all fall into three metabolic types. And how do you know your metabolic type? Usually, the practitioners of metabolic type diets ask you a range of questions about your body shape, natural food choices, energy levels and many other things. Some may charge for blood or urine tests.

No doubt, you will soon be offered a genetic test that is supposed to identify your best nutrition and training habits based on your genes, which, presumably, create your metabolic type. Already similar services are being promoted to health and fitness enthusiasts — for a fee of course.

There is no evidence that metabolic types have any validity for weight management or fitness training, including weight training. Our genes can influence how our bodies works, but genes are not faultless determinants of physical function — or behavior for that matter. Genes interact with the environment, in this case, with food and physical activity. The idea that we have a metabolic type that reacts rigidly to diet in a certain way because of a genetic component is false, or at least only partly true. Food and exercise are just as likely to change the way these genes function as genes are to demand certain foods for health, perhaps even more likely.

2. Don’t Eat Carbohydrates Because They Turn to Fat

This one still persists, even after all the debunking that has been done. It is a persistent myth of misplaced emphasis that derives from the low-carb diet movement. First, some carbohydrates can be converted to fat and stored, but this is only significant if you overeat. Fructose in corn syrup and cane sugar is more likely to do this than glucose from starches, such as grains.

Second, even if some carbohydrate turns to fat, it is not permanently enshrined in some fat larder on your hips, legs, belly, arms and butt until the end of history. Mostly, you can burn it off just like you can burn off dietary fat that is eaten and stored. What matters is the total calories you consume and the energy calories you expend.

3. Eat Foods that Boost Metabolism or Decrease Appetite

While it is true that chemical substances, such as amphetamines, boost metabolism so that you burn more calories and this helps you with weight loss, amphetamines are powerful substances and few naturally occurring herbs or extracts have this type of effect. Or, if they do, products, such as ephedra, may not be safe for casual consumption. The FDA says ephedra is unsafe.

Other plant-derived substances touted as useful weight loss supplements are caffeine, capsaicin (chili), green tea, hoodia and many others sold as natural remedies. Some, such as hoodia, are supposed to be appetite suppressants.

The main issue with these weight loss solutions is that they aren’t solutions. Some may provide a small benefit, but mostly they cost you extra money and distract from the main game, which is getting your food intake and exercise plan working for you over the long term. There’s no harm in consuming coffee, chili and green tea as part of a normal diet. Spending big on supplements or exotic herbs for this purpose is bound to disappoint you if you don’t address the major factors in weight management.

4. Negative Calorie Foods Can Help You Lose Weight

This one is only for the very naïve. The idea that certain foods use more energy in digestion than they contain in calories is not to be believed, especially when lists of such foods includes fruits that contain significant calories in natural sugars.

If you eat a diet of green leafy vegetables and fruit, you probably will lose weight, but that’s because, overall, you will have reduced your calorie intake substantially. Try the Calorie-Count database to see how many calories are in various foods.

Read the full article here

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Acne Treatment

There are many offers of Acne Treatment in the web but some of them are not really convincing enough to satisfy the needs of their costumers due to some negative feedback of their products. This Acne Treatment offers many different levels of treatment depending on where is the infected area of acne in your body. It also offers a wide variety of choices to costumers who are suffering mild acne to severe acne.

The Top Acne Products works on different skin types. There are Top Acne Products that are suitable for oily skins and also for those who have sensitive skin pores. It is very important to choose the proper products for the treatment of acne, because some people before are very desperate to find the cure of their acne problems but in the end it's all back to zero once again. Some of them suffered severe skin irritation because of improper use of the product or lack of knowledge about their acne problem and lack of knowledge of the proper treatment of the disease and most importantly lack of trust to the acne product treatment they use.

The resulting scars after Acne Treatment can also be cured with the Blemish Treatment. The blemishes that left behind by acne can be removed by this treatment and also with your cooperation to your proper hygiene. You must be very careful on your face on where the acne is because dirt and dust may cause severe irritation and this will lead to bigger problems.

It is very clearly stated the proper Acne Treatment and also the suitable products which will fit your needs.

Healthy stress versus Unhealthy stress

Posted by Neill Abayon

We all experience stress differently, so it follows that stress relief may require a different approach for different people. Here's what you need to know about how stress can affect you, and what goes into our stress relief needs:

Not All Stress is Bad
With all the press that stress is getting these days, it’s easy to think of it as something to be categorically avoided and eliminated from life. Interestingly, though, there are different types of stress, and not all are necessarily bad for you—in fact, some stress is not only positive, but vital for healthy functioning. Eustress, for example, is a positive type of stress that leads to feelings of excitement and exhilaration. Without it, life would be extremely dull and depression would be rampant, so relief form all stress isn't the best goal.

Chronic stress, however, results from the body remaining in an almost constant state of reactivity where the fight-or-flight response—the body’s way of gearing up for a showdown or quick getaway—remains triggered continuously. This is the type of stress that makes headlines, and has earned the bad press it’s gotten. Chronic stress can affect your body in many serious ways, such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

What Are Some Common Stress Symptoms?
Because stress can impact your immune system, anything from a cold to a heart attack can be a sign that you need to de-stress. However, there are some common symptoms of stress:

For a more thorough examination of your stress symptoms, along with information targeted toward your specific symptoms, use the Stress Symptom Tool .

Some Types of People Have Greater Needs for Stress Relief
Just as there are different types of stress, there are different types of people, and some are more reactive to stress than others. Because the body’s stress response is triggered by perceived threat (rather than actual threat), and the body’s ability to return to homeostasis, or its normal state, also varies from person to person, with some people calming down immediately and others remaining overstimulated for hours after a stress trigger. Certain personality types also tend to bring on more stress, and respond to stressful situations less effectively, such as perfectionists or those who are 'Type A'. For more information, see these personality features that are more stress-reactive, and see where you fit on the spectrum.

Stress Relief Comes In Several Forms
So all of these variables add complexity to the question of whether an individual is experiencing an unhealthy level of stress or just enjoying an exciting life. Certain lifestyle factors and attitudes can be telling indicators, however. The following tools can help provide you with an assessment of your stress situation as well as resources that are specifically targeted for you.

  • Stress and Health Quiz This test can help you examine different features in your lifestyle to see if your stress level may be unhealthy for you, and provides tools for healthy change and effective stress relief.

  • Stress Symptom Quiz This tool allows you to look at 20 common stress symptoms, see which you may be experiencing, and find resources to fit your situation.

  • Individual Stress Reliever Tool This handy resource supplies you with targeted stress relievers designed to fit best with your personality and lifestyle.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Online Medical Assistant School

Medical assistant schools nowadays are very much important for those who wanted to make a career in medical fields. They offered various programs which includes the proper training of their students to different task that the patient may require. They also offer online training with their nationally accredited and certified Medical Assistant program. You can finish the whole program with convenience and you can study all classes online in your respective time of the day with no limitations and no obstacles to worry about your location.

The duties of medical assistant may vary from one office to another office depending on the practitioner's specialty. The program includes the proper training of the students in their future work as professional medical assistant. Medical assistant training includes administrative task and clinical task.

Medical assistants who perform administrative tasks have many duties. They update and file patients’ medical records, fill out insurance forms, and arrange for hospital admissions and laboratory services. They also perform tasks less specific to medical settings, such as answering telephones, greeting patients, handling correspondence, scheduling appointments, and handling billing and bookkeeping.

For clinical medical assistants, duties vary according to what is allowed by State law. Some common tasks include taking medical histories and recording vital signs, explaining treatment procedures to patients, preparing patients for examinations, and assisting physicians during examinations. Medical assistants collect and prepare laboratory specimens and sometimes perform basic laboratory tests on the premises, dispose of contaminated supplies, and sterilize medical instruments. They might instruct patients about medications and special diets, prepare and administer medications as directed by a physician, authorize drug refills as directed, telephone prescriptions to a pharmacy, draw blood, prepare patients for x-rays, take electrocardiograms, remove sutures, and change dressings.

Medical assistants held about 417,000 jobs in 2006. About 62 percent worked in offices of physicians; 12 percent worked in public and private hospitals, including inpatient and outpatient facilities; and 11 percent worked in offices of other health practitioners, such as chiropractors, optometrists, and podiatrists. Most of the remainder worked in other health care industries such as outpatient care centers and nursing and residential care facilities.

Employment is projected to grow much faster than average, ranking medical assistants among the fastest growing occupations over the 2006-16 decade. Job opportunities should be excellent, particularly for those with formal training or experience, and certification.

Medical Assistant

Medical assistant are health care workers who perform administrative and certain clinical duties under the direction of physician. They have two kinds of major duties, the administrative and clinical duties. Administrative duties may include scheduling appointments, maintaining medical records, billing, and coding for insurance. The clinical duties may include preparing patients for examination, recording the vital signs and medical histories of the patients, and administering medications as directed by physician.

Medical assistant work closely with doctor's and nurses to provide quality patient care. Medical assistant training includes learning how to take vital signs, get patient histories, collect specimens, get patients ready for procedures, and more. The medical assistant training typically provide exposure to the medical environment both in the classroom and on clinical training. In most cases this may include an externship to provide direct real world experience.

Medical Assistant now a days are very important in hospital duties. There is a shortage of medical assistant as of today and that is why there is a high demand and this will be expected to be one of the fastest growing occupations in the next 5 years.