Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Relaxation and Peace of Mind is of Prime Consideration

By Neill Abayon

There are many factors that interfere with successful application of nutritional and biological therapies, such as: toxic environment; ineffective digestive and assimilative system; emotional stresses; anxiety, worries, fear, etc. If the patient is under a severe stress of acute anxiety, his ability to absorb and utilize nutritional and medicinal factors will be seriously impaired, and the expected healing will not manifest as long as the emotional disturbance continues to act.

Therefore, the prime consideration should be given to help the patient to free himself from all emotional stresses and worries and acquire a state of total relaxation and peace of mind. This is absolutely imperative in order to make nutritional and biological therapies effective.

Also, the patient should have a thorough understanding of the basic philosophy of biological medicine and of the purpose of various nutritional and other therapies, and have a complete confidence and faith in the prescribed methods of treatment. Thus, educating the patient in regard to the basic laws of health and disease and how he can stay well and prevent disease, should be a most important work of a future biological doctor.

Genital Herpes - HSV-2

By Neill Abayon

Genital herpes is classified as a sexually transmitted infection that is caused by a virus. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV). The virus greatly affects the genitals of both man and woman. The virus also affects the skin in many parts of the body. There are only known two types of herpes simplex viruses. Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2).

HSV-1 causes the most damage primarily on the mouth, throat, face, eye and the central nervous system while HSV-2 causes infections primarily on anogenital infections. Both of this type however can cause infections in all areas of the body.

These disease considered to be a chronic condition in the medical field, when we say chronic it is for a long time or a long-term condition. However, not all people who never had any symptoms means safe to this virus or maybe they can be a carrier of this virus. HSV most of the times are recurring, it could be sometimes cured and after a year it will come back again. The Hardest to this is once the person have been contacted with this viral disease it will be much more worst and getting more severe every time it will reoccur.

The genital herpes are can easily be diagnose when the infection is still present. Anybody who experiencing genital herpes symptoms should immediately seek a general practitioner or should go directly to a sexual health clinic or a GUM clinic (genito-urinary medicine). Whatever topics to be discuss or discovered while attending this session must be kept confidential between you and the medical practitioner. In case, the patient cannot seek any GUM experts, he can consult a GP or a general practitioner.

In this article we will provide more special attention to herpes virus type-2 - its symptoms, treatments and prevention.

Herpes Simplex virus type 2 is the main cause of mostly sores around the genitals or the skin surrounding the rectum near the anal area. The sores that HSV-2 causes can also be seen in some other parts of the body but the most common part of its infection are the parts that are below the body or below the waist portion or the trunk.

HSV-2 can only be spread through unsafe sexual contact with someone who is infected with the virus. It cannot be spread by kissing, by touching a person with herpes nor by using the same utensils. The virus can still spread to other people even if there are no present sores or lesions.

Herpes have symptoms which needed to determine accurately so the best thing to do is to consult a doctor so that the infection can be properly address. HSV-2 positive will experienced a flu-like symptoms even before the person can acquire lesions in different parts of the body, this is the most common symptoms in genital herpes. There will be yellowish discharge from the vagina or the penis. The infected person will feel feverish, weak and sometimes cough or a mild fever. The spotted appearance of sores which looks like blisters on the genitals or along the skin which surrounds the rectum will confirm that the person has herpes simplex virus type 2 infection. It can happen too that the blisters will develop and joins together in order to form a much larger one. The infected individual will be suffering from pain, itching and discomfort over the affected areas where the blisters appeared The sores also appears around the mouth area. There are also some significant changes on the psychological aspects of people who have herpes simplex virus type-2. They may feel troubled and anxious, the depressions may sets in accompanied with stress since there is social stigma that can appear to people having this kind of condition. So most often, the feeling to pass the infection to others will release the stress from their senses thus making them more relieve but a recent study conducted and the results proves that people who are infected are much more concerned instead for their partner rather their own situation.

Unfortunately, as of this time there were no confirmatory lab test or any diagnostic examination to determine the infection from every patient. A simple visit to a GP or general practitioner is the safest way and so far the only way to confirm the infection to a certain individual. Proper knowledge of the symptoms and a constant practice of sexual contact is the most effective way to determine whether you are infected or not. Your sexual partner must also be checked and screened to see if he got the infection too.

The infection of the virus to women doesn't cause sterility. In fact it was estimated according to survey that roughly 20% - 25% of these pregnant women suffer from HSV-2.

Herpes symptoms to woman includes the formation of small, fluid-like blisters in the vaginal area.In most women, the signs may appear very mild and tend to disappear after a few days.
One of the reasons why there are high number of people suffering from herpes is because most women who are infected with herpes simplex virus type-2 do not even realize that they have the virus in their body or they carry it already. This is because the virus can stay dormant in the women's body thus resulting to a fewer indications and making it more complicated to notice. Women who always indulge themselves in anal sex may notice lesions around anal area. The outbreaks of herpes are widely linked to the immune systems stability. When the immune system starts to weaken because of some factors, one may notice the symptoms since the virus stays dormant. Women who have multiple sexual partners have little to do to protect themselves from getting infected. Women who also suppressed their own immune system such as the results of taking medication like pills and any other contraceptives will be more posed to risk compare to those who are not taking contraceptives.

Emotional and physical stress also contributes to these factors that can quickly infects women who are more weaker in this aspect. Pregnant women can transfer the disease to the child during the delivery process. The risk even increases if the mother is a first-time HSV-2 sufferer. The transmission of the disease to the unborn are quiet rare but can possible happen through the placenta. Babies who will acquire herpes in this way are increasing their risk to suffer complications.

The chances of neonatal infections are high if the initial outbreak occurs during the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. In this case the chances of transmission is close to 30% since the body has not built enough antibodies. The decrease of chances of the neonatal infection will happen only if the mother has suffered already before the HSV-2 a couple of times as such transferred the antibodies to the child. A majority of infection in neonatal stage occur to what is referred in medical field as viral shedding. Pregnant women should go for testings so as to determined the chances of infection to the baby. It is also important to note that women who are suffering from HSV-2 should consult their doctors and sought proper precautionary advise before conceiving. By learning the HSV-2 before conceiving enables the mother to protect themselves and not only to safeguard the unborn child but also themselves. 

In most cases to men, usually they experience the itching which accompanied by paid especially during urination and this could last not less than 4 weeks. Sores on the penis that can appear on the shaft and the head portion of the penis. There are also other areas that common for swelling this includes the scrotum, buttocks and thighs, anything under the trunks can be detected with swelling. After a couple of days from the infection, ulcers might rapture and in this case one may feel the bleeding ulcers. Few days will pass before it can be notice that scabs will form above the ulcerated area, thereby allowing the wound to heal. The recurrence case on men are quite rare unless the immune system has been compromised or being considerably weak. The virus can strike again even after 40 years after acquiring the first infection and this will lead to outbreaks. Outbreaks usually attributed to psychological factors and unsafe sex.

Genital herpes can be treated by selected antiviral medications. It is important to know that the available medications for herpes treatment are only used to manage the symptoms of the virus and not the virus itself. When the person is symptom free, it doesn't mean his not infected at all but rather the virus is dormant. In case of the outbreak, the medication are used only to minimize the red blisters and also to ensure that the disease will be cleared out within a few weeks of treatment. The antiviral medications will only ensure that the infected person is comfortable.

There are 3 phases involving on when are the medications should be administered to patients.

On the initial the medication is administered and the physician will prescribe a course of medication that can last up to 10 days. It is in this stage that the patient is experiencing the signs and symptoms of the disease such as the blisters and the soreness of the affected area. The main purpose of the medication is primarily designed to offer relief on the patients suffering and also to minimize the signs of getting worse. However if the sores and blisters are taking a long time to clear, your doctor may advise you to prolong the treatment and administer additional dosage. When the Initial treatment is done your doctor will prescribe additional medicine for your treatment, this is to monitor and keep track with your improvement. Intermittent therapy is next and are done as a temporary medications just in case you will experience an outbreak. In times where you can notice again the sores and blisters re-appearing, you can immediately take the medication up to 5 days and again thereafter you will notice that the sores are starting to vanish. In case if you keep experiencing the outbreaks, the physician will prescribe an antiviral that needs to be taken everyday. This is commonly known as suppressive medication. Commonly applied to patients who's experiencing up to 6-10 outbreaks a year. The suppressive medication can greatly reduce recurrence by up to 80%. Most of the people who take this treatment did not suffer from recurrent outbreaks. Suppressive medication have also proven that the chances of herpes simplex virus are greatly minimize to transfer from one person to another.

 The prescribed medications of your doctor are based on the severity of the infection or the outbreak and also your immune systems status. Before taking these antiviral medications, be sure to inform your doctor of any current medications you are taking like vitamins, herbal medicines, or supplements. Be sure to tell every important detail to him. On women,tell your doctor if you are currently breast feeding or pregnant because most antiviral medicines are not recommended in that condition. Medical histories should also be reported, illnesses like heart problems, diabetes and blood related problems since the medicine may cause some contraindications.

You should always note instantly if you have a flu-like symptoms or fever. you can use sponge baths to reduce the fever and pain. On itchiness in your genital area, you can relieve that by doing sitz bath for 20-30 minutes and by warm bath to help also reduce the pain. Do not touch or pick your sores. You should maintain cleanliness and hygiene at all times.

Remember that by keeping yourself healthy, by avoiding smoking and any detrimental habit will boost your immune system will help fight and produce more antibodies to counter the virus on your body. By eating healthy foods and making your diet full of fruits and vegetables will help you overcome emotional and physical stress.Every couple must not hesitate to be screened or checked up for the disease. It is really important to equip yourself with relevant information and understanding the cause of the illness as well as giving respect to other people with HSV-2 infection to avoid complication and greatly improve the chances of preventing and controlling the infection.

Alzheimer's disease linked to poor dental health

Posted by Neill Abayon

A study has found that people with poor oral hygiene or gum disease could be at higher risk of developing Alzheimer's compared with those who have healthy teeth.

Researchers from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) in the UK, discovered the presence of a bacterium called Porphyromonas gingivalis in the brains of patients who had dementia when they were alive. The bug is usually associated with chronic periodontal (gum) disease.
For the study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 10 brain samples from patients with dementia were donated for analysis by a scheme called Brains for Dementia Research, alongside 10 brain samples from people who had not had the disease.
Examination of the samples revealed the presence of the Porphyromonas gingivalis in the samples of the brains affected by Alzheimer's.

Need for invasive dental treatment 'increases the bacterial risk'

This bacteria is usually found in oral cavities, and enters the blood stream through a variety of daily activities, such as chewing, eating and brushing teeth. However, it is more likely to enter the blood stream after invasive dental treatment, where it is possible that the bacteria can enter the brain regularly, the researchers say.

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The Basic Principle of the Optimum Nutrition – Eat only poison free foods

By Neill Abayon

Your food should be grown without the aid of chemical fertilizers and should contain no residues of toxic insecticides, chemical additives or preservatives.

Almost all food sold at supermarkets today contains some chemicals, either used in food producing or added during food processing or packing. Many of the poisons in fruits or vegetables are systemic, that is, they cannot be washed out or peeled out, as they penetrate the whole fruit. The only solution seems to be to grow your own food, or buy the certified organically grown food. And, of course, to avoid eating all processed and packaged foods, which contain the most chemicals.

Since it is unlikely that in this poisoned world any of us can escape getting some poisons into our systems, it would be wise to know what are the common poisonous elements in our environment and also to know how to protect ourselves against these poisons from our food, air, water and environment.

'Children can outgrow obesity' - Exclusive interview

Posted by Neill Abayon

Researchers have developed a model revealing how excessive calorie intake can affect the weight of children and adolescents, suggesting that children can grow out of obesity, according to a study published in The Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology.

Researchers from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, as well as the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, say the model could lead to the development of new weight-loss programs for obese and overweight children.

Exclusive interview

Dr. Kevin Hall - lead study author and senior investigator at the laboratory of biological modeling at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases - took part in an exclusive interview with Medical News Today.

Why did you develop this model?

"We wanted to better understand how growth in childhood and adolescence affects metabolism and body fat over time and how childhood obesity develops on this background of healthy weight gain during growth.

"We previously built a model of adult metabolism that quantified how changes in diet and physical activity lead to changes in body weight and body fat. We found that the adult model was much more accurate than previous calculations of weight changed based on the so-called '3,500 calorie per pound' rule."

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Estrogen may influence location of women's fat

Posted by Neill Abayon

Ever wondered why some women, but not all, have the "pear" shape considered by many to be desirable? Researchers might have found some answers to the mystery, after discovering that estrogen, one of the sex hormones, affects where fat is stored in a woman's body.

The study, published in the American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, involved 17 premenopausal women between the ages of 18 and 44 who were overweight or obese.
Researchers from East Carolina University asked the women to provide certain information, including:
  • Weight
  • Height
  • Fat percentage
  • Lean body mass
  • VO2 max (a measure of physical fitness).
They then analyzed how estrogen affects fat accumulation in particular areas of the body.
This was done by slowly infusing estrogen into the buttocks and belly of the women overnight. The women were then given drugs that encouraged the burning of fat in the body (lipolysis). They were also asked to exercise at a level similar to a standard exercise session, both with and without the lipolysis drugs.
Fat breakdown was measured using microdialysis - a sampling technique that looks for the amount of glycerol left behind after the breakdown of fat for eventual energy production.

More here.

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Basic Cause of Disease

By Neill Abayon

The basic premise of Biological Medicine is that most diseases have the same basic underlying causes. These are: systematic derangement and biochemical and metabolic disorder brought about by prolonged physical and mental stresses to which the patient has been subjected – such as faulty nutritional patterns, constant overeating, overindulgence in proteins and the body’s inability to properly digest them, nutritional deficiencies, sluggish metabolism and consequent retention of toxic metabolic wastes, exogenous poisons from polluted food , water, air and environment, toxic drugs, tobacco and alcohol, lack of sufficient exercise, rest and relaxation, severe emotional and physical stress, etc. These health-destroying environmental factors bring about derangement in all vital body functions with consequent biochemical imbalance in the tissues, autotoxemia, chronic under supply of oxygen to the cells, poor digestion and ineffective assimilation of nutrients…and gradually lowered resistance to disease. Thus the Biological Medicine considers not the bacteria but weakened organism or the lowered resistance as the primary cause f disease. Bactria is more often than not, the result of disease, not its cause.

Therefore, the only effective way to cure the disease is to eliminate the cause of disease. All these underlying causes of ill health, mentioned above, must be corrected and eliminated before health can be restored. When, with proper assistance and support of optimum nutrition, special dietary factors, cleansing programs, specific vitamins and supplements, juices, herbs and other harmless therapies, the underlying causes of ill health are removed, the symptoms (disease) will disappear. Not because we cured them, but because there would be no more reason for their existence. The health has been restored.

Vitamin B Supplement Contains Anabolic Steroids

Posted by Neill Abayon

A product marketed as a vitamin B dietary supplement contains two potentially harmful anabolic steroids and should not be used by consumers, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.

Laboratory analysis showed that Healthy Life Chemistry By Purity First B-50 contains methasterone and dimethazine. These ingredients are not listed on the label and should not be in a dietary supplement.

The FDA has received reports of 29 incidents of health problems associated with the product, including fatigue, muscle cramping, muscle pain, and problems with liver and thyroid function and cholesterol levels.

Women who used this product reported unusual hair growth and missed periods, and men who used the product reported impotence and low testosterone. People who take Healthy Life Chemistry By Purity First B-50 and experience any of these symptoms should consult a doctor and report the incident to the FDA, the agency said.

Healthy Life Chemistry By Purity First B-50 is made by Mira Health Products Ltd. in Farmingdale, N.Y., and sold on various websites and in retail stores. The company has refused to voluntarily recall the product or to warn consumers about the potential for injury.

Taking products that contain anabolic steroids may cause liver damage. Some of the people who took Healthy Life Chemistry By Purity First B-50 had to be hospitalized, but there were no reports of death or liver failure, the FDA said.

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Breast-Fed Baby May Become Higher-IQ Child, Study Suggests

By Denise Mann

Mothers can add higher child IQ to the list of benefits associated with breast-feeding: New research shows that the longer a new mom breast-feeds up to one year, the greater the benefit on her baby's intelligence.

Babies who were breast-fed for the first year of life gained 4 points on their IQ, compared with babies who were not breast-fed for as long, according to the findings, published online July 29 in JAMA Pediatrics. These children were better able to understand what others were telling them (receptive language) at 3 years and had higher verbal and nonverbal intelligence at 7 years.

"These findings support national and international recommendations to promote exclusive breast-feeding through age 6 months and continuation of breast-feeding through at least age 1 year," the study authors concluded.

For the study, researchers led by Dr. Mandy Belfort, of Boston Children's Hospital, followed more than 1,300 mothers and their children. Moms were asked about breast-feeding at 6 and 12 months. Children completed standard intelligence tests at age 3 years and 7 years. Breast-fed babies scored higher on these tests even when researchers controlled for other factors that may affect a child's IQ such as the mom's intelligence.

Belfort's team also looked at whether fish intake while breast-feeding had any bearing on childhood intelligence, but it did not seem to have a major effect. Some research had suggested that omega-3 fatty acids in fish may be important for infant brain development.

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Testicular cancer survival rates 'soaring' in UK

Growing awareness of the cancer is believed to be partly behind the rise
By James Gallagher

The overwhelming majority of men with testicular cancer are now surviving for at least 10 years, figures released by the charity Cancer Research UK show.

They show survival rates in the UK soared to 96% in 2009, much higher than in the early 70s when 68% survived.

The organisation said attention needed to be focused now on the remaining 4%.

Experts said that changes in treatments offered as well as a growing awareness of testicular cancer could explain the improved survival figures.

Around 2,300 people are diagnosed with the cancer each year in the UK. The main symptom is a lump or swelling in the testicles.

Survival rates have made significant progress since the 70s and reached 90% by the start of the 90s.

'Success story'
Dr Harpal Kumar, the chief executive of Cancer Research UK, said: "A clear success story in cancer research has been the drug cisplatin, which our scientists helped to develop.
"This is helping almost all men with testicular cancer to beat the disease and is a shining example of what we can achieve through dedicated research.
"For some types of cancer, the word 'cure' is almost a reality - 96% of men with testicular cancer are now cured. But it's important we recognise the four per cent who aren't surviving the disease, as well as the fact that we still need treatments to be kinder to patients in the future."
Katherine Mutsvangwa, from the male cancer charity Orchid, said earlier diagnosis was a important part of falling death rates.
"There has been a lot of awareness of testicular cancer in the time. Men are presenting earlier, before it has spread to other parts of the body."
She said the 4% of patients who were not surviving tended to be diagnosed much later or with "much more aggressive" testicular cancer.
Source: BBC NEWS

The Basic Principle of the Optimum Nutrition – Eat mostly raw, living foods

By Neill Abayon

At least 75% to 80% of your diet should consist of foods in their natural uncooked state. There are numerous studies which demonstrate superiority of raw, living foods, both for maintenance of health and prevention of disease, as well as for the healing of disease. Cooking destroy much of the nutritional value of most foods. Many vitamins are partly destroyed, minerals are leeched and all enzymes are destroyed by temperatures over 120O F.

Cooking also changes the biochemical structure of amino acids (proteins) and fatty acids, and makes them only partially digestible. For example, it has been demonstrated at the Max Plank Institute for Nutritional Research that you need only one-half the amount of protein in your diet if you eat protein foods raw instead of cooked.

Sprouting is an excellent way to eat seeds, beans and grains in raw form. Sprouting increases nutritional value of foods; many new vitamins are created or multiplied in seeds and grains. Some grains and legumes, which do not contain complete proteins, become complete protein foods after they are sprouted.

Another excellent way to increase the amount of raw food in your diet is to eat lots of fermented lactic acid foods, such as homemade sauerkraut, pickles or lactic acid vegetables. Especially for those who live in cold northern regions, fermenting foods is an excellent way to preserve vegetable for winter use, and not only preserve, but increase their nutritive value – without cooking.

It would be ideal, of course, to eat a 100% raw food diet. This is possible to do if you live in an ideal tropical or subtropical climate, man’s natural habitat, where fresh, natural foods are available whole year round.  In colder, northern regions of the United States, Canada and Europe, a 100% raw food diet would be difficult for most people to maintain indefinitely, although few nutritionally-well-educated raw foodists are able to do this. A good practical solution, therefore, would be to eat most of your food, perhaps 80%, in the raw, uncooked state. Practically all fruits, vegetables and seeds can be eaten raw. A few vegetables such as potatoes and yams, dried beans and peas, and some grain such as rye, rice buckwheat and millet, can be used in cooked form; however, cooked foods should not comprise more than 20% of the total caloric intake.

Alzheimer's blood test edges closer

Alzheimer's is a growing problem as people live longer
By James Gallagher

Researchers believe they are closer to developing a blood test that could diagnose Alzheimer's.

There is no definitive test for the brain-wasting disease. Doctors rely on cognition tests and brain scans.
A technique published in the journal Genome Biology showed differences in the tiny fragments of genetic material floating in the blood could be used to identify patients.
The test was accurate 93% of the time in trials on 202 people.
One of the main goals of Alzheimer's research is to find ways of detecting the disease earlier.
It starts years before symptoms appear and it is thought that future treatments will need to be given before large parts of the brain are destroyed. This will require new ways of testing for the condition.
The team at the Saarland University, in Germany, analysed 140 microRNAs (fragments of genetic code) in patients with Alzheimer's disease and in healthy people.
They found 12 microRNAs in the blood which were present in markedly different levels in people with Alzheimer's. These became the basis of their test.
Early trials showed it was successful and was "able to distinguish with high diagnostic accuracies between Alzheimer's disease patients and healthy" people.
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Migraines could be blamed on 'brain artery structure'

A) Anatomy of the circle of Willis B) Complete circle C) Incomplete circle. Courtesy: Penn Medicine/Brett Cucchiara/John Detre
Posted by Neill Abayon

An incomplete network of arteries that supply blood to the brain could be a culprit for migraine headaches. A study recently published in PLOS ONE reveals that variations in the brain's arteries cause inconsistent blood flow, which may trigger migraines.

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania were particularly interested in a set of connections between major arteries that protect the supply of blood to the brain. These connections are called the "circle of Willis," named after the English doctor who first described it in the 1600s.
The researchers studied 170 people in three groups:

          53 people with no headaches acting as a control group
          56 who had migraine with aura, a perceptual disturbance
          61 people who had migraine without aura.

The team, led by Dr. Brett Cucchiara, measured changes in brain blood flow using magnetic resonance angiography to analyze the blood vessel structure of the subjects, as well as an MRI method called Arterial spin labeling (ASL).

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Food to blame for more children choking

Has this boy bitten off more than he can chew?
Posted by Neill Abayon

The number of food-related injuries in the US caused by children choking on food is on the rise, prompting better guidelines on the prevention of choking, reveals a study published in the journal Pediatrics.

Researchers analyzed data on non-fatal food-related choking among US children aged 14 years or under between 2001 and 2009. The researchers are from the Center for Injury Research and Policy (CIRP) of The Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital and worked alongside colleagues at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The study used data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance system over the 9-year period, and found that 111,914 children aged 0-14 years visited US hospital emergency departments as a result of non-fatal food choking.
  • There was an equivalent every year of 12,435 children turning up to ER with non-fatal food chocking, with an average age of 4.5 years.
  • The study showed that children under 1 year of age accounted for 37.8% of the cases.
  • There was an almost equal split between the numbers of boys and girls presenting with choking emergencies.
  • More than 60% of the choking cases occurred in children 4 year of age and under.

The results showed that the majority of children (87.3%) were treated and released from hospital, while 10% were hospitalized. The remaining 2.6% left hospital with medical advice.

More here.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Basic Treatment of Disease

By Neill Abayon

Since the most condition of ill health are systemic in their origin and have the same underlying cause, the basic treatment of all diseases is likewise the same.

First, all the underlying cause of disease must be eliminated – health-destroying causes that produces ill health, such as nutritional, physical and emotional stresses and abuses. After that, the patient should undergo a short cleansing juice fast to assist the body in throwing off all the accumulated toxins and wastes. Then the patient should be put on a special supportive health-restoring and vitality-building program with emphasis on optimum nutrition, specific vitamins, supplements, herbs and juices ad other supportive biological treatments such as hydrotherapy, massage,  manipulative treatments, exercise, etc., which will help the body’s own healing forces to accomplish the  restoration of health. In every case, the biological doctor must outline the therapeutic program individually; it must be adjusted to the specific individual needs and the condition of the patient.

The taller the woman, the higher her cancer risk

Posted by Neill Abayon

The ability to reach items on high shelves and easily see through a crowd may no longer have the same appeal for some women. A study recently published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention finds a link between postmenopausal women's height and cancers.

According to the study, the taller a woman's stature is, the higher the risk of cancer at a number of different sites, including breast, colon, endometrium, kidney, ovary, rectum and thyroid. Additionally, taller women have a greater risk of developing multiple myeloma and melanoma.

All of these associations did not change after adjusting for known influencers of these cancers, such as age, weight, education, smoking habits, alcohol intake and hormone therapy. The researchers say that height even had more influence over cancer risk than a common measure of obesity, body mass index (BMI).

Researchers studied 144,701 women aged 50 to 79 who participated in the Women's Health Initiative from 1993 to 1998. After a follow-up 12 years later, in total, 20,928 cancers were identified within the group.

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The Effective Way To Lose Weight

By Neill Abayon

All experts agree that , with the rare exceptions of thyroid insufficiency and defective metabolism, the number one cause of obesity is overeating. But what causes overeating?

The basic cause of overeating (and consequent obesity) is a disordered appestat mechanism, which means some abnormality on the person appetite. Nutritional deficiencies caused by denatured foods disrupts the work of the appestat. Plenty of physical activity or the need for exercise is required to keep the appestat working well. Also, appestat function can be disrupted by negative emotions, such as anxiety, fear, hostility, insecurity, etc. Thus obese persons should make every effort to avoid such feelings and foster a positive outlook on life.

Weight management is complicated and no one would ever thought it is. People are more conscious about their body on how to maintain their figure but the fact is they aren't. The process of reducing weight is not easy. The foods are there and its getting harder to resist and it really needs to discipline oneself in order to maintain their body figure.

There are many effective and proven techniques on how to reduce weight but people get tired after spending just a few weeks to their program and instead of loosing weight they end up gaining more pounds. Understanding the exercise you need for your body is very important.

The secret is easy. First, make an outline for your program so that you will be determine to achieve your program as the days or weeks go by depending on how long you want your program to be followed. Then you have to set up your goal every day or every week, this is important because your achievement every day and every week can give you momentum for your overall success of your program. Lastly, be consistent. Be sure that what you have started will eventually lead to your victory.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in your weight loss program. You will trim down your waist a little bit faster if you combine your diet or your healthy menu plans to your exercise. Cutting carbohydrates on your menu makes it perfect and consume more fiber rich foods, avoid excessive meat intake for your protein. You can substitute a plant protein source for it like soya and tofu. Try to make some fasting or cleansing if you can before starting your program, this is also important for your diet. The cleansing stage makes your body free from dead cells and it will rejuvenate and make your cells healthy. It will also prepare your body for the nutritious food on your menu that you are going to deal with, it will make proper absorption of the nutrients that your body needs especially if you are on your rigid exercise program.

Low calorie diet of nutritious foods with emphasis on 5 or 6 small meals, instead of two big meals a days can also help on achieving great results for your program. Plenty of fresh raw fruits and fresh juices might also help. It is also important to note that when it comes to proper nutrition for diet, you have to avoid too much intake of sugars and white flours, and everything made with them. Low salt on your foods are highly recommended. Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol. Avoid all refined and denatured foods. It is much better if you take 2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in glass of water every meal but be sure not to drink water especially cold or any other beverages while you were having your meal, this cold beverages can solidify the foods and fats on your stomach and some beneficial enzymes that helps aide for your proper digestion are washed out thus it will result to some abnormalities on your metabolism and in some cases indigestion.

Now, if you really want to focus seriously on your diet while you are having your exercise you should considered just like what I said above the fasting or the cleansing. Take some short juice fast, one week to 10 days. Long juice fast, up to 40 days, or more, can also be undertaken but only under expert supervision.

I'll add some important notes. Persons with a tendency for overweight should take all their vitamins and food supplement after meals, to minimize the appetite-stimulating effect of some vitamins from a B-complex. Most so-called reducing diet pills are harmful, and although some may help to take pounds off, they do so at a cost of damaged health. Those who have tried hard but still did not see any effect on the exercise and proper diets they have, should check the condition of their liver. Liver damages is common among overweight persons and can be a major cause of obesity. A damage liver is unable to synthesize an adequate amount of energy-producing enzymes. Such a person should restore the health of his liver before reducing by a proper diet and exercise can be made possible.

Understanding the exercise which your body needs to do and combined with proper nutrition is surely a great way to a successful weight loss program.

Study confirms cancers-family link

Cancer risk depends on genes, lifestyles and environment

By Helen Briggs

Having cancer in the family can increase your chances of developing not only the same cancer but other types too, research suggests.

A study of 23,000 people in Italy and Switzerland found that for each of 13 cancers, close relatives had an increased risk of the same disease.

But there was also evidence that a family history of one cancer could significantly raise the risk of others.

Cancer charities say risk depends on genes, lifestyle and environment.

The research, published in the journal Annals of Oncology, followed 12,000 patients with cancer at different sites in the body.

They were compared with 11,000 people without cancer.

The researchers collected information on family history of cancer, particularly in a first-degree relative (those who share about 50% of their genes - namely a parent, sibling or child).

More of this story here.

'Diabetes-cure' operation explained

Weight loss surgery can help with diabetes

By James Gallagher

The reason some patients are cured of type-2 diabetes after a gastric bypass may have been explained by US researchers.

Their animal study showed bypassing the stomach made the intestines work harder, use more energy and keep blood sugar levels under control.

They hope their findings, published in the journal Science, will lead to less invasive treatments for the condition.

Diabetes UK said a healthy lifestyle was the best way to avoid the disease.

Type-2 diabetes, which is mostly the result of a bad diet and little exercise, is a growing problem globally.

It leaves people unable to control the amount of sugar in the blood and can culminate in blindness, limb loss and heart disease.

The condition can be managed with insulin injections.

Researchers at Boston Children's Hospital, in the US, were investigating how a type of weight loss surgery affected diabetes.

Dr Nicholas Stylopoulos told the BBC: "Gastric bypass is the most effective weight loss procedure, but it also cures diabetes.

"If we knew how this worked we could develop new treatments that don't require surgery."

More here.

The New Biological Concept of Health and Disease

By Neill Abayon

 The rapid development of the chemical and physical sciences in the last two centuries has had a most negative influence upon medical thinking, and slowed down the progress of healing arts. In spite of all the bravura and ballyhoo about our great medical progress, when, in the enlightened future, the true medical history will be written, the twentieth century will be known as the dark ages of the healing art. Unbelievable as it may seem, the twentieth century concept of disease is not much different from primitive voodoo concept. The only difference is that the “evil spirits” have been replaced with “evil germs”, bacteria or virus, which attacks the unfortunate and undeserving man. We believe that disease “strikes” the unsuspecting and totally innocent bodies. We talk about disease as being “caught”. We speak of evil creatures – the germs - as “going around”, attacking every man in their way. The job of the modern medicine-man is to kill or drive out evil intruders, the germ or virus, with the magic medical power from his medicine bottle or injection needle, and, save the innocent victim from the vicious attack.

 The new Biological Medicine takes an exception from such a Pasteurian concept of disease and the symptomatic drug-therapy approach to the treatment of disease. The biological concept of medicine is based on the irrefutable physiological fact that the primary cause of disease is not bacteria or virus, but the weakened resistance brought about by man’s health-destroying living habits and physical and emotional stresses. The bacteria enter the picture only in its final stage, as THE UNDERTAKER of the natural order, to complete and fulfill the natural law of “returning to dust” again the organism that was made unfit to live. 

Bacteria are always present in our environment, as well as in a latent stat in every cell of all living organisms. They are completely harmless if the organism maintains its natural health and natural resistance – but ever-ready to step in and destroy the host organism as soon as its life-force, vitality and resistance are lowered.

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Mers: New virus 'not following Sars' path'

The new virus emerged in 2012

By James Gallagher

The new Mers virus, which has killed half of those infected, is "unlikely" to reach the same scale as Sars, ministers in Saudi Arabia say.

Most of the 90 Mers cases reported so far have been in Saudi Arabia.

Mers is from the same group of viruses as the common cold and Sars, which killed 774 people.

However, a detailed analysis of the Saudi cases, published in Lancet Infectious Diseases, did warn of "major gaps" in understanding of the virus.

The Middle East respiratory-syndrome coronavirus (Mers) emerged in 2012 and has infected 90 people worldwide, 45 of them have died.

The global concern is that cases could spread much further, echoing the Sars outbreak.

Cases have been centred on the Middle East - with patients in Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Additional cases in France, Germany, Italy, Tunisia and the UK have all been linked to travel to the Middle East.

Researchers in Saudi Arabia have published details of the 47 cases reported in the country.

They suggest a pattern of mostly older men being infected. Most cases were also in people with other medical problems, more than two-thirds of the reported cases also had diabetes.

More here.

South African chef 'too fat' to live in New Zealand

Nearly 30% of adults are overweight in New Zealand
Posted by Neill Abayon

Authorities in New Zealand have told a South African chef he is too fat to be allowed to live in the country.

Immigration officials said Albert Buitenhuis, who weighs 130kg (286 pounds), did not have "an acceptable standard of health".
He now faces expulsion despite shedding 30kg since he moved to the city of Christchurch six years ago.
New Zealand has one of the highest obesity rates in the developed world, with nearly 30% of people overweight.
Mr Buitenhuis and his wife, Marthie, moved from South Africa to Christchurch in 2007. At the time, the chef weighed 160kg.
Until now, their annual work visas had been renewed with "very little problem", his wife said.
"We applied year after year and there were no issues," she said.
"They never mentioned Albert's weight or his health once and he was a lot heavier then."
But in early May, the couple was told their work visas had been declined because of Mr Buitenhuis's weight.
"The irony is that at the moment he weighs less than when we first arrived in New Zealand and also less than in his first medical, which was accepted by [immigration authorities]," his wife said.
More here.

Mentally ill people 'hit hard by recession'

Posted by Neill Abayon

The economic recession across Europe has had a profound impact on people with mental health problems, research from King's College London suggests.

Between 2006 and 2010, the rate of unemployment for those with mental health problems rose twice as much as for other people - from 12.7% to 18.2%.
Men and those with low levels of education were particularly affected, the study said.
The authors warn that social exclusion could increase among the mentally ill.
Scientists collected data from 20,000 people across 27 EU countries using the Eurobarometer survey, which looked at mental health, attitudes to those with mental health problems and current employment rate.
For those without mental health problems, the unemployment rate increased from 7.1% in 2006 to 9.8% in 2010 - half the increase compared with the previous group.
In addition, the study identified that men with mental health problems were particularly vulnerable. The unemployment rate for this group increased from 13.7% in 2006 to 21.7% in 2010.
More here.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sugar and Health Research

Emailed to me by Laura Thomas

That sneaky, sweet substance in many people's favourite treats can be downright dirty when it comes to playing with the heart and liver. Unfortunately, Britons love the stuff and consume, on average, 238 teaspoons of the substance each week, more than three times the average from 50 years ago. Now that's a lot of sugar.

Broken down, table sugar is essentially composed of molecules of fructose and glucose. When too much fructose finds its way into the human body, it doesn't break down and metabolise like other carbohydrates. Robert Lustig, professor of pediatric endocrinology at University of California, explained that what the body does instead is "turn excess fructose into liver fat. That starts a cascade of insulin resistance (insulin promotes sugar uptake from blood) which leads to chronic metabolic disease, including diabetes and heart disease."

Researchers at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) recently published a study in the Journal of the American Heart Association which showed a correlation between eating too much sugar and heart failure. The reason for this is a small molecule called glucose 6-phosphate (G6P). When too much of this sugar molecule accumulates, it causes changes to muscle proteins and also induces poor pump function, which can ultimately lead to heart failure.

Another study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition illustrated that fructose can rapidly cause liver damage even if no weight is gained. During the study, researchers at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center tested animals who were fed a diet high in fructose to measure biomarkers of liver damage. The control group was fed a diet of complex carbohydrates and soy protein.

"What surprised us the most was how quickly the liver was affected and how extensive the damage was, especially without weight gain as a factor," said Kylie Kavanagh, D.V.M., assistant professor of pathology-comparative medicine at Wake Forest Baptist and lead author of the study. "Six weeks in monkeys is roughly equivalent to three months in humans."

Results indicated that, in the high-fructose group, intestinal bacteria was migrating to the liver more rapidly than the control group and causing damage. This was apparently due to the fact that fructose was causing the intestines to be less protective than normal and allowing bacteria to leak out a fairly high rate.

Laura Thomas, founder of, commented, "Changing one's sugar habits is truly about making a conscious choice to be healthier and live longer, and it seems like science is continually proving that point as it delves further into the chemistry and effects of sugar."

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Female genital mutilation: 30 million girls 'at risk'

The challenge is to let people - men and women - have their voices heard on the issue, Unicef says
Posted by Neill Abayon

More than 30 million girls are at risk of being subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM) over the next decade, a study by Unicef has found.

It said more than 125 million girls and women alive today had undergone a procedure now opposed by the majority in countries where it was practised.

Ritual cutting of girls' genitals is practised by some African, Middle Eastern and Asian communities in the belief it protects a woman's virginity.

Unicef wants action to end FGM.

The UN Children Fund survey, described as the most comprehensive to date on the issue, found that support for FGM was declining amongst both men and women.

FGM "is a violation of a girl's rights to health, well-being and self-determination," said Unicef deputy executive director Geeta Rao Gupta,

"What is clear from this report is that legislation alone is not enough."

More here.

Plain cigarette packs 'encourage smokers to quit'

Plain packaging of cigarettes was introduced in Australia last December
Posted by Neill Abayon

Selling cigarettes in unbranded packs seems to make tobacco less appealing and encourages smokers to quit, suggests a study.

The work comes from Australia - the first country to introduce plain packaging.
The BMJ Open research looked at the impact of the policy on 536 smokers in the state of Victoria.
The findings come days after ministers were criticised for putting on hold a plan to impose plain packs in England.
Downing Street denied the Tories' election strategist, Lynton Crosby, had been responsible for the delay to plain packaging.
Mr Crosby's links with alcohol and tobacco companies have been called into question by some MPs.

Start Quote

When cigarettes aren't disguised by flashy packaging and carefully crafted branding, smokers see them for what they are - a lethal product which kills half of its long term users”
Kate AlleyCancer Research UK's tobacco policy manager
Defending the decision to delay, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt said the government wanted more time to see how the policy had worked in Australia.
The BMJ Open study gives an early indication of precisely this.
Researchers polled a sample of smokers during November 2012 when plain packs were already available in the run up to the country-wide introduction of the legislation.
Continue reading here.