Saturday, August 31, 2024

Kembayau (Dacryodes rostrata)

New species on the ground. This is Kembayau (Dacryodes rostrata) from a batch of seeds last year. I was able to germinate a lot but mostly didn't survive after the transfer to their individual polybag. 

The fruit pulp and the seed of Kembayau is edible making it a great addition into your food forest. 😍🌱🌳

Fruit pulp of Kembayau with a similar color and texture of Avocado.

For more interesting rare fruit species, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Umali Durian Variety

Creamy and milky light yellow flesh of Umali Durian Variety. A locally propagated cultivar during the time of Dioscoro L. Umali who was known as "The Father of Philippine Plant Breeding". πŸ˜‹

For more interesting Durian varieties, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Saraca or Ashoka tree (Saraca asoca)

Grounded today the Saraca or Ashoka tree (Saraca asoca). 

The ashoka is prized for its beautiful foliage and fragrant flowers. The ashoka tree is considered sacred throughout the Indian subcontinent, especially in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Saraca is believed to be the tree under which Buddha was born. Conservation status of Saraca is "Vulnerable". πŸ’•πŸŒ±πŸŒ³

For more rare and endangered flowering tree species, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Gac Fruit (Momordica cochinchinensis)

One of my perennial climbers in the food forest — Gac Fruit (Momordica cochinchinensis). These fruits are from my 4 year old vines. It contains high levels of lycopene, beta carotene and Vit.C. Immature fruits can also ve cooked as veggies. πŸ˜πŸŒ±πŸ’•

Seeds for planting will be available soon at BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Melarosa Lemon

Checking and harvesting a few fruits of our Melarosa Lemon. πŸ‹πŸ‹πŸ‹

Propagations for planting of Melarosa Lemons are available in limited quantity only at BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM.

Blue Trumpet vine (Thunbergia laurifolia)

One of my 2 year old Blue Trumpet vine (Thunbergia laurifolia). Thunbergia laurifolia is a popular ornamental plant in tropical gardens. It is a long-blooming vine in cultivation. In Thailand, leaves are used as an antipyretic, as well as for detoxifying poisons. 

Utilizing some young trees at BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM to be a host to a wide varieties of climbers/vines. πŸ’•πŸŒ±❤️

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Baluno (Mangifera caesia)

Season of Baluno (Mangifera caesia) or White Mango. These are fruits from a 30+ year old mother tree. πŸ˜‹πŸŒ±πŸŒ³

BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM will propagate more of this species soon from these seeds.

Igem-Dagat/Arius (Podocarpus costalis)

Outplanted the Igem-Dagat/Arius (Podocarpus costalis). Endangered because of limited growth and worsened by continuous removal of mature plants for horticulture or as potted plants or bonzai culture. Collection from the wild is illegal in Taiwan and the Philippines. 

Fruits are edible and is used for wine making. 😍🌱🌳

For more native tree species, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Monday, August 26, 2024

J33 Malaysian Latexless Sweet Jackfruit

On the ground is the grafted J33/Sultan/Malaysian Latexless Sweet (MLS) Jack tree (Artocarpus heterophyllus). One of the best Jackfruit variety that I have tasted. 😍🌱🌳

The meat are thick and taste sweet. 

For more jackfruit variety, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

MLP Arboretum

Back afters 2 years gone by at the MLP Arboretum, Antipas, North Cotabato. The ground covers plays an important role during the el niΓ±o thus ensuring the survival of the young saplings outplanted last 2022 and 2023. MLP Arboretum is a home of more than 300 species of native trees  thru the effort and initiative of SONATA master Andres Pedregosa. 🌳🌳🌳

Scoring a few rare seedlings. 

For more updates, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Pisang Seribu banana

The third hill of my Pisang Seribu or the thousand fingers banana are now productive. 

The solid green colored Thousand Fingers banana tree grows fast, up to 12 feet tall in just a few weeks. Each plant produces hundreds or thousands of bananas, as the name suggests. 🍌🍌🍌

If interested to plant this banana variety, limited suckers are available at BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Wani/Huani (Mangifera odorata)

Got a few more Wani/Huani (Mangifera odorata) also known as Saipan Mango. It is characterized by its strong turpentine-like smell on the skin and fibrous flesh. 

The seeds from last July have already germinated and will soon be grafted from the scion of this mother tree. πŸ˜‹πŸŒ±πŸŒ³

For more interesting Mango varieties, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook .

Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

Available‼️Limited only. 

Planting materials of Emerald vine or Turquoise jade vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys). 

This is endemic in the Philippines popular as ornamental plant known for its cascading clusters of vibrant turquoise or greenish-blue claw-shaped flowers. Get yours now! πŸ˜πŸŒ±πŸ’•

For orders and reservations, send a private message at BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Alagaw (Premna odorata)

Ripe fruits of Alagaw (Premna odorata). This is a favorite snack of birds and they will dispersed this anywhere. Sometimes I used the young leaves of alagaw for cooking and boiling as a herbal tonic drink that works effectively for wheezing and chest infections. 🌱🌱🌱

For more interesting species for herbal applications, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Pelagodoxa Palm

My Pelagodoxa palm at 2 years old on the ground. πŸ˜πŸŒ΄πŸ’•

This specimen is grown from seeds.

For more interesting palm species, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Sabidukong (Telosma procumbens)

Flowering time again for Sabidukong / Kapas-Kapas (Telosma procumbens).  This is from my 2.5 year old vines. The flowers and immature fruit rinds are eaten in Filipino cuisine, with a taste and texture similar to winged beans or string beans. πŸ’•πŸŒ±❤️

For more native edible vines, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Barobo/Balobo (Dipludiscus paniculatus)

Season of Barobo/Balobo (Dipludiscus paniculatus). This is a medium size tree that is endemic in the Philippines. Harvested in the wild for its fiber and timber that is used locally. It has edible seeds that can be boiled and eaten like beans. ❤️🌱🌳

For more native and endemic tree species, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Luc's Garcinia (Garcinia mexicana)

New exotic fruit species added in the food forest. This is the Luc's Garcinia (Garcinia mexicana) also known as Mexican Mangosteen. 

Slow growing tree that takes 6-7 years before blooming time and fruiting. Fruit is of excellent quality, with both sweet and lemony-tart components. 😍🌱🌳

For more exotic fruits, visit and follow BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM on Facebook.