Monday, September 16, 2024

Raw Taro Stem in Salad

Raw stems of this Taro variety (Colocasia sp.) can be eaten in salad. This is my second time eating this in a salad. During my firstime I was hesitant to try knowing that Colocasia species have high concentrations of calcium oxalate which causes the itchiness when taken raw or not well-heated in cooking. 

These 3 planting materials will be an excellent addition to my lone specimen outplanted last year. 💕🌱❤️

The bigger the stem, the more you can make a salad.

Remove the skin of the stem and slice it in small cubes.

Texture is soft and taste is little bit sweet.

BORIS PRIVATE SANCTUM will propagate more of this Colocasia species as part of the food forest.

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