Sunday, May 30, 2021

Foraging for food

Everything is free if you just look around and you will find a variety of edibles waiting to be discovered. This is the reason why I am building a good forest where there are lots of food you can get around you. 

Bamboo shoots

Wild edible shroom

 Ube rootcrop


Thursday, May 6, 2021

Rimas Propagation

It's been 4 months since this Rimas/Kolo/Breadfruit (Artocarpus altilis) has been detached from its mother tree.

As you can see below the other cuts I've made are also showing signs of life. This is important development on my part as I am trying to propagate more of this species for my food forest. This is one of the most important species that can help the food security of every community.


Sunday, May 2, 2021

Time to Plant Toog (Petersianthus quadrialatus)

It is a privilege for me to acquire planting materials of this tree species. This is Toog (Petersianthus quadrialatus) or also known as Philippine Rosewood. The conservation status of this species is vulnerable because it is threatened by habitat loss. To ensure the survival of this species, we need to plant more of its kind.