Saturday, September 18, 2010

Stainless steel water bottles: Are they better than plastic and glass?

Posted by Neill Abayon

For years, I've always carried my own drinking water when I'm at the gym or running errands around town. That's because I don't drink out of water fountains with all their chlorinated, fluoridated public water sources (yuck!). I can't stand restaurant water, which is usually just gross tap water with ice cubes in it. I also don't drink out of plastic water bottles because, well, I don't particularly wish to grow a pair of BPA-induced male breasts (although I'm sure that would be amusing to YouTube viewers).

BPA (Bisphenol-A), after all, is the now-infamous "hormone mimicking" plastics chemical. It will probably be outlawed in the next few years because of the emerging science linking it to hormone-sensitive cancers like breast cancer and prostate cancer. Canada seems poised to ban it soon, and many baby bottle manufacturers in the USA have already turned to BPA-free bottles.

So that leaves two choices: Glass bottles and stainless steel bottles.

When you first use either of these, the first strange thing you'll notice is that you can't squeeze them. When we used to drink out of plastic bottles, we all got used to squeezing them to make the water come out, right? Glass and stainless steel obviously don't squeeze, so you have to rely on gravity to drop the water into your mouth.

Read the full article here.

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