Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Coconut nectar, coconut liquid aminos, coconut vinegar and coconut flour all come from coconut trees

Posted by Neill Abayon

I really find a lot of joy in bringing you some of the most unique and amazing natural food products from around the world, and this week I've got something so unusual and delightful that you'll be amazed it even exists. It turns out that coconut trees produce a lot more than just coconuts and coconut oil. A whole spectrum of surprising food ingredients are derived from coconut trees, and you've probably never heard of most of them.

For example, did you know that coconut trees produce their own soy sauce? It's not really made from soy, of course. It's called Coconut Aminos, and it's a dark, amino acid liquid harvested directly from coconut tree sap. Containing 17 naturally-occurring amino acids, this sap is combined with mineral-rich sea salt to create a soy-sauce-like "aminos" liquid that can help flavor salads, raw vegan dishes, sauces or even Chinese stir-fried cuisine.

Think of it as a natural replacement for soy sauce, but with a deeper and more complex taste. You've got to try this to believe that it really comes from coconut trees!

And there's another huge benefit, too: This "liquid aminos" product has absolutely no reactive MSG-like effects. That's rare because even in the natural products industry, there are amino acid products that contain a small amount of naturally-occurring glutamic acid that can have an MSG-like effect on those who are sensitive to it (like me). But the aminos from this coconut sap are completely unadulterated and non-hydrolyzed, so they remain in their natural form and have no negative effects on people sensitive to MSG. You can read more about this here:

Read the full entry here.

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