Sunday, May 25, 2008


Written by Neill Abayon

I remember before, everytime I wake up in the morning and ready to take my breakfast, all of the sudded I saw the food. What a?? You know, its almost every morning that my food is ampalaya with egg or "ampalaya guisado" in tagalog. I cannot react to it because I'm the one who planted the ampalaya to our backyard!
Anyway, we almost found it a cheap food but we did not know that this is a very healthy food. It's true that it's cheap but the cheaper the food the healthier it is.
I will share to you my cheap recipe for my favorite healthy breakfast.



* 1 kilo ampalaya,sliced
* 3 egss beaten
* 3 tomatoes, sliced
*1/2 clove garlic, minced
* 1 onion, chopped
* 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
* salt to taste


* Saute garlic, onion and tomatoes in vegetable oil until done.
* Add Ampalaya and cook until crisp and tender.
* Add beaten eggs and continue stirring.
* Season with salt.
* Serve hot.

And that's it. You can now taste your delicious and healthy food for breakfast.


mimi11460 said...

yes ampalaya is healthy ..

dru said...

w0w...sarap ah...paborito ko toh actually^^